Introductory Clinical Skills Courses For Future Healthcare (Medical) Professionals | Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi | Royal Collegium | Health | Wellness | Wellbeing | Self Care | Self Help.

£ 999 circa € 1,135
Gibraltar, Gibraltar New

Total views: 27 Today views: 0 Total offers: 0

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Introductory Clinical Skills Courses For Future Healthcare (Medical) Professionals | Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi | Royal Collegium | Health | Wellness | Wellbeing | Self Care | Self Help.
Introductory Clinical Skills Courses For Future Healthcare (Medical) Professionals are now available via Phone. Those who are trying (or applying) to get their First (Paid) Job (within the Healthcare Sector) are (very) welcome to enrol. The Course Fee is : £999 (Nine Hundred & Ninety-Nine) Pounds Sterling GBP (Per Module). Sessions are delivered by (Fully Qualified) EU (European Union) Clinicians - and they will also be able to (Competently) Explain All of the Relevant Healthcare Terminology.
£ 999
circa € 1,135

Last Updated: 21-08-2024

Introductory Clinical Skills Courses For Future Healthcare (Medical) Professionals | Professor Doctor Joseph Chikelue Obi | Royal Collegium | Health | Wellness | Wellbeing | Self Care | Self Help.

£ 999 circa € 1,135
Gibraltar, Gibraltar New

Total views: 27 Today views: 0 Total offers: 0


Professor Obi

Selling Items: 6
Member Since 01-02-2022

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