long coat and 2 x jackets

£ 45 circa € 51
Gibraltar New

Total views: 4 Today views: 0 Total offers: 0

  • Location of Item Gibraltar


long coat and 2 x jackets
€50 or £45. For long coat. €40 OR £35 FOR THE JACKETS EACH. As new, worn once, long coat is UK 18/20 and brown jacket is UK size 16, EU 44 x yellow one size UK 18. NO COURIERS OR TIME WASTERS Pick up Gibraltar, Jimena or la linea
£ 45
circa € 51

Last Updated: 08-07-2024

long coat and 2 x jackets

£ 45 circa € 51
Gibraltar New

Total views: 4 Today views: 0 Total offers: 0


Eileen Crosby

Selling Items: 8
Member Since 11-10-2020

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